Digitalization of medical records has increased the need to outsource medical data entry, management and processing services requirements to professionals. CrescereMed can assist you to digitize the medical datas and also provide assistance to medical practitioners, hospitals and other healthcare providers to effectively manage their healthcare datas. For your text and numeric based datas, whether printed or hand-written, we support you with accurate and fast service to manually enter your data into an electronic format.

We guarantee accuracy in excess of 99%.
Many of the mistakes found in the study took place when organizations were upgrading their EHRs or otherwise changing their systems. We will collect all the updates and make sure our staffs know when changes are coming and what those changes will be, and train them thoroughly on any new systems.
Just copying and pasting data into patient records can cause confusion, especially if there is a little or no new info added at a visit. It may seem like a time-saver, but in reality, it opens your records up to errors plus, other staffs looking at the record may not be able to understand what happened during the encounter. We always keep an eye while copying and pasting and remind them to double-check the info they input.
CrescereMed offers a wide range of EMR/EHR data processing services, such as:-
- Patient medical records
- Hospital records
- Medical insurance claim forms
- Image records
- Handwritten documents
- Medical prescription records
- Test or lab records
- Surgical encounter records
- Patient info such as appointments, insurance details, billing, etc.
- Other medical documents and files