Widespread adoption of the EMR System (Electronic Medical Records) in medical care has resulted in increased physician’s documentation workload and decreased interaction with patients.
To ease this documentation burden, healthcare professionals are turning towards Medical Scribes. The use of scribes reduces the documentation burden and enhances the organization’s revenue and improved workflow.
Scribes assist the health care professionals with EHR (Electronic Health Records) navigation, recording laboratory and radiology results, documentation, and other coding activities. This allows the physicians to free up their time for patient care and spend time doing what they want to do.
The primary aim of the scribes is to enhance the satisfaction of both physicians and patients. Not only do medical scribes provide increased satisfaction and efficiency for physicians, but they also provide additional revenue for their service. Physicians are free from the documentation overload and they appreciate medical scribes.
Some health care institutions are hesitant to invest in medical scribes as it may involve additional costs. Paying for medical scribes will indeed require an additional investment, but it’s also true that this investment will pay off drastically in the long run. Medical Scribes are creating a new path within the medical field that will make it a more positive impact for everyone involved.
CrescereMed is a leading HIPAA compliant organization that delivers innovative solutions to health care professionals. Our comprehensive service will empower customer satisfaction.
CrescereMed is dedicated to relieve the physicians from the burden of managing EHR and enable them to concentrate on their core activities.
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