Virtual Medical Scribe Services
By implementing Intelligent clinical operations via the HIPAA compliance board, Let us help clinicians have more attentive time in delivering high-quality care and using Virtual Medical Scribe Services to maintain accurate documentation on patient charts at limited budgets. Shorten your burden of data entry work by superior remote work.

Advanced Clerical Features
Hassle - Free way saving your time and cost
With a detailed conceptual framework of Virtual Medical Scribe, Our specialists resolves your documenting tasks and time barrier with a single tap application tracing your end to end process.
CrescereMed introduces its revolutionary virtual scribe system in order to serve the medical communities with utmost accuracy at simple costs. Our team connects with physicians beyond boundaries on-call round the clock, anytime! Our Medical Transcription Scribe team extends our assistance through live scribing decreasing physician’s burden in documentation with our comprehensive patient charts.
How CrescereMed Online Remote Virtual Medical
Scribes Works

Physicians Virtual Medical Scribe a Win-Win For Everyone
Technical upgrades always were in favor of the medical field. Just look how much change has happened in the past ten years. Everything is changing, and this is how virtual medical scribes also came into the medical world.
Remember those days when the doctors have to write when patients speak, yet we miss out on significant points?
That is why we needed Scribes. Patients can talk about their problems, everything will be recorded, and physicians can examine them. This system was invented to help physicians. But hiring a physical scribe wasn’t that successful, even though the work was done. It cost more expensive for hospitals and also for patients. So CrescereMed introduced virtual medical Scribes (VMS)where the scribes are present virtually.
CresscereMed is one of the best medical service teams providing Physicians Virtual Medical Scribes for medical communities. We document patients’ data when the doctors need Scribes; our team is just a tap away and will be ready to hear you out and add everything that needs to be included and consult with doctors for further updates.
We will make sure nothing is left out, and also patients will be examined. We provide a Telescribe Virtual Scribe Service for our clients to experience the benefit of a live Scribe with you, and this can be used on Mobile phones, tablets using an application. Scribe and Client can communicate audibly. We have a group of Online Virtual Medical Scribes who work best in the documentation and keep accurate information for an affordable price.
And if you are looking to see more patients and need assistance, it is easy to Hire a Remote Virtual Medical Scribe than an assistant.
They are easy to manage, and no need to train them with no additional problems, and they are always available no matter where you are or when virtual medical scribes are always at your assistance.
And that is why hiring a Virtual scribe becomes the best option; for doctors, the job is easy for more patients and profit for patients they are getting the proper care for themselves. CresscereMed introduced a Virtual medical scribe for everyone, and no bargain, we give you the Best Virtual Medical Scribe Service.
Can virtual scribes talk to patients?
No, a medical scribe is a partner of the Physician SCRIBE who will be there for the procedures but consults with doctors for updates.
How doctors use remote virtual medical scribes.?
Remote virtual medical scribes document the details of patients; they help doctors in the documentation and adds data to patients electronic health control (EHR)
Say Hello To a Renewed Practice!
Virtual Assistance For Your Documentation Works, On Board!
CrescereMed introduces its revolutionary virtual scribe system in order to serve the medical communities with utmost accuracy at simple costs. Our team connects with physicians beyond boundaries on-call round the clock, anytime!
Our team extends our Hire Medical Scribe assistance thru live scribing decreasing physician’s burden in documentation with our comprehensive patient charts.

Clerical Administrative Work Helping You
Out Of Hefty Documentation Works!
VMS brings all of the processes of onboarding and managing your contingent workforce in a single platform. Real-time requisitions, approvals, time-keeping, unbeatable accuracy, and reporting in a few minutes are just a few benefits it would offer.
Turnkey Solution
Your investment on our scribe worth its cost by serving the physician at immediate start and is simple to use.
Economical - Accessible - Secured!
Perfect suit for your irregular schedules at cut down costs committed to compliance, privacy and data confidentiality.
Cost Beneficial
Revenue increases by helping you in practising extra appointments which will can cover your scribe cost.
Extensive Metric
Adopting advanced intelligent processes that foster high value documentation to deliver quality and confidential details on patient analysis.
Quicker Ramp-up
Our scribe team assists from cradle to grave acquisition to eliminate time-complexity and helps in due-diligence to deliver extra patient care.
Advanced Assistance
Highly equipped systematic procedure in order to handle a focused and securitized workflow for practitioners assisting with e-prescriptions.

To Improve
The Quality Of Care,
We’ve Got A Workflow Cycle For You!

Who is a Virtual Medical Scribe?
- A personal assistant to the provider who is capable of documenting the patient’s encounter into the EHR in real-time.
- Gathers information for patient visits, and partners with the doctor to deliver efficient patient care.
How does a Scribe work?
- The doctor’s exam room is equipped with a microphone and their exam room computers are connected with a secure RDP or VPN
- After obtaining the patient’s consent, the scribe manages the patient’s data in the respective EMR in real time.
How does the virtual scribe make provider life better?
- Provider can increase focus on patient care and to start seeing more patients.
- Have ample time to meaningfully engage with their clinical team.
- Spend more time with family and friends.
What will the patient think about the virtual medical scribe service?
- Physicians usually report that the patients regularly thank them for spending more one-on-one time with them, rather than typing on the computer during the visit.
Are there any compliance or security/ HIPAA privacy rule?
- CrescereMed is fully compliant with HIPAA and all other healthcare regulations.
- Any recordable/data transferrable devices are strictly prohibited within the facility.
- Facility is under CCTV surveillance for high security and safety measures, 24/7 x365.
- Biometric access to enter and exit the production floor and only authorised personnel can access it.
- Servers are all password protected at all times.
- Clear desk policy is maintained.
- We have dedicated HIPAA compliance officer to monitor, implement, and adhere as per the international norms.
How much time it takes for me to kick-start the service?
- It takes approximately 1-2 weeks for a scribe to adapt doctor’s style of documentation.
- Having a regular one-on-one session with the scribe for the trial days would benefit the scribe and the provider for them to understand the style of documentation and to align with the provider’s expectation.
What is the pricing structure?
- To inquire about pricing, please contact us at:
Is it live or delayed?
- We will do both synchronous and asynchronous work. We will cover the below assignments.
- Virtual Medical Scribe: Listening to the doctor and patient encounter and documenting into the EHR in real-time.
- Live Medical Transcription: Doctor will be giving the dictation, we have to record and transcribe and post it into the EHR.
- Medical Transcription: Here the doctor will record and send the audio through our FTP server. Pricing depends on the line count, turnaround time (TAT) such as 2 hours, 4 hours and 24 hours TAT.